We're live!
A big, warm and happy HELLO from our new site!
This has been a long time in the making..... the job on the 'to do' list, that there just never seems to be enough time in the day to ever do and so it sits and waits to be given attention, but never does.
Even with Victoria's various strict lockdowns in 2020, limited to no weddings in the state, across the country and STILL it didn't open up a window big enough to tackle this monstrous task...… instead home schooling taking priority each day and wearing parents down and out to a level they didn't know existed (I bet there are little to no parent complaints to teachers this year, not having to teach your own children is success enough!!! n.b. Go Teachers!).
But I think I have finally found that magic window, the time to do this for real and not make excuses..... A FRACTURED LEG.... requiring me to sit and not move around for a solid 6 weeks!!!!
Some might feel down, depressed and 'why me'.... and at first it was tempting to take this easy path. But, I quickly decided I was going to be productive in this time... tidy up emails, messages and other 5 minute jobs to make life more efficient, but you never do..... and YES! tackle this website from start to finish.
I am feeling motivated, positive and excited to be finally given the time to do this….. I am excited to see the development over the coming weeks and by the time anyone reads this..... my couch adventures will be a distant memory.... and hopefully the outdated, forever crashing archaic website will be a thing of my past and here we will join and rejoice in new, fresher images, cleaner and easier to follow layout and general pure bliss for wedding planning to happen in this space!
I hope you enjoy our new site and love shopping here as much as we have loved having the time to finally get onto it.
Much love and happiness to all,
Jody - Owner / Failed Skateboard Enthusiast
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